Sunday, March 7, 2010

This is some Quality Peanut Butter

There are two brands of Peanut Butter in Morocco: Jesse's and Dakota. Jesse's is generally considered among Peace Corps volunteers to be the better of the two, and it's not hard to see why. This is the back label, word for word, of the Dakota Delights Crunchy Peanut Butter Jar:

Nutrition Information (values per 100g)
Energy 640kcal
Protein 641kcal
Fat 642kcal
Carbohydrate 643kcal
Sugar 644kcal
Sodium 645kcal
Phosphorus 646kcal
Iron 647kcal
Nicotinicacid 648kcal
Vitamine 649kcal
Cholesterol 650kcal

Ingredients: Roasted Peanuts, vegetables oil, sugar, salt
Produced by (Please insert your company name only)

Hilarious but a little scary. I think I'll stick with Jesse's Peanut Butter.