Friday, January 29, 2010

Blank Line Item. . . 60,000 dh. Part III

Since I can't seem to let this commune budget issue go, I thought I'd start with an easy test. The budget allots 6,000 dh for each of the nine associations in the commune. I asked the president of the association I've been working with if she got that money. She said no. I asked the president of the other association in town, he said no as well. But this started (of course) some more drama, when the association president went to the commune and asked for the money, all necessary paperwork in hand, and they said no, that's not possible - they have to request that money from the office in Midelt, and that office said no. Then of course the brother of the president pointed a finger at me and asked why I showed the budget to her when he told me it wasn't public information. With big innocent eyes I said, "I told her about the 6,000 because I thought maybe she just didn't know that there was money in the commune waiting for her. The commune wants to help associations, right? That's why that money's there." We'll see what happens, but I have a feeling they especially won't be happy when mysteriously all nine associations in the commune find out somehow that there's 6000 dh with their names on it in the commune budget from last year.